It addresses the challenges of differences in event times, frequencies, and reflectivity between PP and PS seismic volumes. HampsonRussell ProMC – ProMC is an easy-to-use and intuitive work environment that offers interpreters the ability to handle the increased number of seismic and attribute volumes inherent in a multicomponent project.A range of anticipated reservoir scenarios can be modeled to predict the seismic response to reservoir changes. HampsonRussell Pro4D – Pro4D performs time-lapse modeling and interpretation for seismic data matching.HampsonRussell MapPredict – MapPredict is a map-based geostatistical software that integrates well, seismic, and attribute data into accurate, detailed maps using both sparse data measured at isolated wellbores and dense data measured on a survey grid.Using multiple elastic parameters from the inversion of seismic data, LithoSI performs a supervised Bayesian classification to deliver probability cubes of predicted lithology or rock properties. HampsonRussell LithoSI – LithoSI quantifies uncertainty in seismic lithology and fluid prediction.HampsonRussell Attributes – The Attributes package is designed to create and extract a collection of advanced single- and multi-trace seismic attributes to enhance your interpreting ability to quantify the reservoir properties in seismic volumes as well as perform data preconditioning such as noise reduction and data quality control.

It is most effective for heavy-computation tasks such as pre-stack inversion, where I/O limitations are not a bottleneck. HampsonRussell Multi-node Processing (MNP) – A utility that divides the processing of large seismic volumes into equal-sized segments, each segment using a different machine (node) in order to reduce the overall run time of the processing.It provides a series of tools to enable interpreters to interactively explore for azimuthal variations in their datasets and generate azimuthal attributes to summarize the results. HampsonRussell ProAZ – ProAZ maps fractures and predicts stress by observing azimuthal variations in the P-wave seismic data.