Barbarian dungeons and dragons 5e character builder app
Barbarian dungeons and dragons 5e character builder app

barbarian dungeons and dragons 5e character builder app

Just because your barbarian doesn’t wear armor doesn’t mean they are naked all the time! Although… Therefore I will go into the more superficial characteristics.

barbarian dungeons and dragons 5e character builder app

I plan to go more in-depth on characters and story over the next few weeks. Your character can enjoy those things, yes, but so can literally everyone else in the party! So I will try and offer some thoughts on how to make your barbarian truly a diamond in the rough… or at least a gold piece in a pile of bloodied corpses. We fall back on tropes like “Grog the barbarian likes his grog” and “Axenar has an ancestral axe that she carries with her” and “Buhbarry-An is a barbarian who likes sex, gambling, drinking, and killing.” Unfortunately, this is extremely boring and cliche to build an entire character around. Many times when making a character whose main focus is just being angry and hitting things (barbarian is as barbarian does), we tend to forget about what makes the character unique.

Barbarian dungeons and dragons 5e character builder app